Monday, October 18, 2010

Tessi & Her Roomate Darma

Seven New Little Pullets

We were down to two hens due to a series of unfortunate events - Crush drowned in a bucked of water, Broody jumped into the neighbors' yard and was mauled by their dogs.  So we went to the feed store and got 7 little pullet chicks - 2 Aurcanas, 2 Giant Blacks, 2 Buff Orpingtons and a white one.  It will take about 6 months before they begin laying eggs.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Camping at Point Reyes - Rained Out

Hank & I went camping at Point Reyes with our horse buddies. Hank
tripped and hurt his foot so he couldn't ride. I rode Nora and ponied
Zazu. Nora was super charged and was doing some crazy speed walk the
whole time. No more grain for her...then it rained on Sunday and
Hank's car battery was dead and had to be jump started. Not the best
trip ever but we made it home safely.

2010 Gold-N-Grand

I just received this photo of Zu and I competing at the Gold-N-Grand. I love this photo because it shows Zazu concentrating on picking her way through the obstacle. You can see the judge and the scribe sitting behind us on the deck.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Enclosure for Duck Oasis

Here are the fence building crew putting together the enclosure for the Duck Oasis.  When completed it will have a little pond, some fruit trees and a lot of other greenery.  Looks like I'm going to be doing a whole lot of digging...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hank Aboard Zazu

After visiting Tessi at her trail school, Hank and I went for a ride
by the lake. We rode for about an hour and a half because it was very
hot and Hank wanted to get home in time to see the Oregon Ducks
playing Stanford.